Elaboration Likelihood Model Of Persuasion Essay

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CHAPTER III Framework This chapter shows and discusses the theories, the theoretical paradigm, the conceptual framework and the operational definition that will be utilized in this research. The study will be assimilating the following theories: Elaboration likelihood model (Petty & Cacippo, 1986); hierarchy of advertising effects model (Thorson et al., 1992) and; music theory (synthesis). A. Theoretical Framework I. Elaboration Likelihood Model Elaboration likelihood model of persuasion or ELM is a dual process model developed by psychologists Richard Petty and John Cacioppo in the 1970s, defining how a medium or a person’s presentation of the message forms and changes the receiver’s attitude. The theory has split persuasion in two ways: the central route and the peripheral route. The central route implies a high content elaboration and persuasion that will most likely lead to a permanent change in attitude; thus, leading to decision-making. …show more content…

With this model, the researchers are able to determine where to either of the two routes the viewers’ responses on the “Finally Ariel” jingle have proceeded. Figure 3-1. Elaboration Likelihood Model II. Hierarchy of Effects The Hierarchy of effects (model) or HOE by Robert Lavidge and Gary Steiner (1961) is a marketing communication model. It suggests there are six (6) stages that happen to the viewers when they receive the message: awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction and purchase. Awareness and knowledge fall under the cognitive phase (thinking), liking and preference fall under the affective phase (feeling) and lastly, the conviction and purchase stages 19 under the conative phase (behavior). The theory proposes that in order for an advertiser to successfully sell the brand, the customer must go through all of the six