David Messag The Routes Of Persuasion

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An advertisement that would possibly persuade me is shown in the above included image. Persuasion is a change in a private attitude or belief as a result of receiving s message. This advertisement is from a well-known company, Nike. This ad could be persuasive to many not just me due to multiple reasons. First, the brand in itself is recognizable and can be seen as a desire to fit in and wear name brand clothing. The slogan this ad uses implies that not only do legendary people keep going with Nike but they also win and achieve great accomplishments with the brand on. This can persuade people to believe if they want to have great accomplishments and be a legend they should wear Nike. Nike can make you a legend and an amazing athlete if you wear this brand. This can be persuasive to be out of shape people trying to be healthier, athletes, average people wanting name brand clothes, and professional athletes. From a psychological perspective, there are some benefits if persuaded as we talked about in class. For example, the amount of self-talk in response to persuasive message can increase. This means that the internal monologue within everyone can change in response to the persuasive message, just as the degree of how much you support or don’t support the message in self-talk can differ. We also talked about the confidence expressed for the persuasion …show more content…

Personally, the advertisement I chose appeals mostly to peripheral route of persuasion which means that people are persuaded when the focus is on other factors besides that of the quality of the message. The central route of persuasion is when people are persuaded when they focus on the quality of the arguments in the message. In order for central persuasion to happen, the person must have both the ability and motivation to do