A Rhetorical Analysis Of Nike

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This Nike ad illustrates that Nike’s new shoes and gear helps you to overcome any obstacle. Nike have made their product a game, where the clients must reach certain amounts of fuel in limited time to accomplish a mission, by that they move to higher levels and meet with famous athletes who give advice along the way, that’s why they’ve chosen an animated advertisement video , also to show their intension of attracting the eyes of teens and adults, hence they have also included famous characters to play a part in the advertisement so that they can also gain the eyes and the interest of their fans. Referring to Klein first idea, “ Nike+ brands are made specifically to help its users lifestyle as the products are composed of a cutting edge technology bracelet that helps people’s day-to-day life with monitoring their bodies’ status. Nike+ has also released a collection of …show more content…

And then it quickly shifts to an image of a man running on a mountain which seems like a volcano, a strong lighting lashes through the sky and hits the red ground (adventurous task) which ignites the emotion of fear. The next scene has two people running through a rocky blue cave, which has its pieces falling down to the ground, heading to a bright opening as if they are trying to reach their goal. The camera shifts and shows a large view of the mountain . there is a scene where a man is running toward a very enormous gate that opens to show us an immense twisted maze puzzle next it shows us the components of Nike+ products. Later in the ad, athletes are found going through hard obstacles, but there not giving up, and the names of the athletes in the advertisement are being displayed each with its character. At the end we’re face with a character that’s breathing heavily, with a satisfied look on his face and a blaze of fire covering