Immanuel Kant Research Paper

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Immanuel Kant was one of the modern philosophers, who lived around (1724-18040). Kant, at the age of 31 became an instructor in a University (659). He taught logic, geography, natural history, anthropology, mathematics, and physics (Daniel Kolak 2006). Kant developed a non-Empirical theory and he modernized the philosophy of rationalism and empiricism. Kant’s work on the Critique and then the reviewed version of it, the prolegomena explains and elaborates his views on Rationalism and Empiricism (Daniel Kolak 2006). His work is still studied and discussed upon today in various fields, such as metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, aesthetics and other fields (Rohlf 2010). Most of Kant’s early works were scientific and the also contributed knowledge in the fields of ethics, religion, politics and aesthetics. …show more content…

Kant argued against both Rationalism and Empiricism, as he believes that sense and understanding are both important for an experience in this transcendental world. Kant’s philosophy is very modern and his methods of defining experience prior to this metaphysical world and how it goes against Rationalism and Empiricism revolutionized his writing, which still contributes to today’s education.

Kant defined sense experience as he goes against Rationalism and Empiricism, because both of these theories contain some common assumption. Such as, they believed that there is only one source of knowledge; sense experience, or reason. But, Kant argued that sensation, as well as understanding are both important for experience. His main point of argument was that reason cannot produce theoretical knowledge of something that cannot experience though our sense or understanding. In his writing Critique of Metaphysics, Kant argues that it is not possible to gain knowledge of something which we cannot experience through our sense because our sense have limits (Daniel