Hunger Of Memory Richard Rodriguez Analysis

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The Effects of Education with Affirmative Action In the Hunger of Memory Richard Rodriguez writes about affirmative action and how it gave him an advantage against the non-minority. [What is affirmative action?] Rodriguez position stands against affirmative action despite the advantages it gave him. In the same way, I think that affirmative action does have its setbacks as well as advantages. However, my position on affirmative action is that I stand against affirmative action on education. [unfair] One reasoen to be against affirmative action is because it does not leave people with the fair advantage such as the minority. Let us say that someone has 12 cupcakes and 6 of them are reserved for the non-minority. The six of the non-minority has already took the last of the 6 cupcakes and. However, there are still 6 cupcakes left. Since the cupcakes have been reserved for the minority, your ant allowed having one. Because you arnt a minority. In the same way affirmative action was a tool to stop discrimination and but instead it does the opposite. It is reverse discrimination. …show more content…

This means that your classis curved test in favor of the minority. Whereas the non-minority did not have this opportunity. This is another reason why it is not fair. School should be based on merit meaning by the person’s ability and their good will to achievement. However, the nonminority wore able o have lower standers and pass the classes with lower graded. Like “c”, the quality of the students has diminished. Not only that think about the job professions were affirmative action have people that shouldn’t be qualified to take jobs like doctor and engineering and scientist because of affirmative