I Establish A Social Norm In 'Project X' By Jim Shepards

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Jim Shepards “Project X” primarily takes place at FS high school where its culture centralizes around continuous hectoring, and insensible mentors, while assembling mortality. The school ironically hopes the best for students, which diversely characterizes a place of bullying, inconsideration, and animosity towards oneself. These aspects of the school is what primarily motivates Edwin and Flake to execute a horrendous response to their pain, and partake in a school shooting. Bullies at FS is what predominantly characterizes the school, and is one of the main factors that influences Edwin and Flake to conduct a Columbine-style massacre at the school. It has become a social norm at this high school to bully other students without motivation, …show more content…

This occurs every so often that they just “slow down to look over[, t]hen they speed up again”(15) and go on with their day and don't bother to help. Likewise, mentors of the school partially influence the students to partake in such verbal attacks. Teachers are to demonstrate a good example for students, especially to the younger grades since they are new to highschool, frightened and overwhelmed. They pick on students and create an uncomfortable and discouraging environment for students to learn in. Calling Edwin names, such as “Mr. Greenpants,” and calling out “to everybody when [he] show[s] up a minute late” (96) is unethical of an adult. The students then laugh and think it's okay for them to do the same. Additionally, school should be a safe place where students feel comfortable attending. FS has set a low standard of bullying and doesn't have any …show more content…

Many students throughout the novel spend their time in detention, hoping that they self discipline themselves. Even though Edwin tells the truth to his teachers about why he is late to class, they show no compassion for him and he is sent to “detention for a week” (43). Teachers hardly hear students out and are quick to conclude that detention will solve the matter. Edwin, along with other students like Flake, are stereotyped as troubled kids because they are often caught in the middle of fights that they do not start, and are the first to be blamed. Thus, the school normalizes blaming problems on previously troubled

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