I Search The Temple Sparknotes

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It starts with a search party in Japan and of course they are searching for a missing person in the woods; why am I not surprised. The Japanese police are searching the woods; you would never guess during what time of the day they are out if you guess night you are absolutely correct. One police officer finds a camera and the other officer goes up to the temple, opens the door, looks in and sees blood dripping then screams. The scene then cuts to a montage of pictures of the temple, missing children, a monk, a statue of a woman/fox that I later learned was a “shapeshifter that protects the temple” and old news articles (this was probably around 3 minutes long). A nurse pushes a man whose wheelchair is covered with plastic into a room where …show more content…

Refusing to sell the book to them she kicks them out and closes the store, although the cashier did say that it was a “not a good book.” Chris fails to mention to them that the cashier said it was a bad book, later that night a drunk Chris ends up at the antique store again in search of the book for Kate. When he finds the book, a little boy appears out of nowhere, which I assume was supposed to be a jump scare but let me tell you it was not scary at all; they did is add a loud sound effect, I hate when movies do that. After retrieving the book, Chris goes to a bar where a random man tells him that the temple in the book is “unlucky” and that he shouldn’t go. Once again Chris doesn’t mention to Kate or James that he was recommended not to go to this Temple, c’mon Chris are you trying to get yourself and your friends killed. I can go more into detail about the rest of the movie but I’m sure you can get the idea of what happens next: Chris starts to see the little boy again, he takes his friends to the temple, “evil” things happened, James leaves the group and dies. Plot twist Chris is the one who kills James, the little boy he kept seeing wasn’t truly there. Also, Kate is nowhere to be found.