I Was Here Quote

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"The end result of your life here on earth will always be the sum total of the choices you made while here.” This quote means, who you are and what you do with your life will forever define you, even when you are gone. This quote is very similar to the R&B singer Beyoncé’s song “I Was Here”, which was featured on her fourth studio album titled “4”. I compare this quote to her song because in the song, she sings about how when she leaves the earth, she wants to remembered for all off the good she done and the many lives she has impacted meaning family and friends or fans. Though this song reflects on the positive things she has done, the quote implies both good and bad choices we choose to make. Somehow the bad always seems to outweigh the good a person has done, take Michael Jackson and the alleged molestation charges he was …show more content…

I am speaking from personal experience when I say, college is tough and it will test you in every way imaginable. This quote can be applied to your success in college because it is important that you do not just go to college but finish college. There are two types of college students, the students who go because they want bright future and the students who just want to party and be parent free. The difference between those two types of students is the student who came to party almost always never finish or even make pass their first year. The statement “college is not like high school” is 100% true because it is not. Your success in college is up to you, if decide to jack off and not take class serious, it will reflect in your work and in your grades, every action has a chain reaction. The quote states that the choices you make will ultimately be the end result of your life, so while in college always be mindful of the decisions you make because those decisions can and will affect you later in life, mostly in your work