I Will Not Let An Exam Decide My Fate Essay

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"I Will Not Let an Exam Result Decide My Fate" is a slam poem that is recited by a Suli Breaks, a young man who is addressing the errors in the education system. He questions why students are judged on how well or poorly they perform on exams. This judgment has an effect that can damage self-esteem and can also contribute to test performance. For example, if a student is told several times they will fail, it becomes embedded in their head they are destined for failure and will not try as hard. What is amazing about this video is the message is being conveyed in the form of poetry which is art.
Art is usually the first program to be cut when there are budget cuts. This young man is not only speaking for himself but for all of the students who have been silenced and have conformed to taking standardized test because teachers, parents and society say, “ If you want a career this is what you have to do, go to school, take test, and go to college.” There are deep problems in the education system that need to be addressed. The education system needs to be reformed.
After watching this video, it reminded me of Dr. Ken Robinson’s video Changing Education Paradigms. Dr. Robinson states, “When we went to school, we were kept there with a story which is if you worked hard and did well, and got a college degree, you would have a job. Our …show more content…

His words are just a piece of what students are feeling every day when they enter the school building, when they take a test, when they receive a good or bad score. Tests measures knowledge but it is not what will determine someone’s destiny. There are millionaires, even billionaires that dropped out of high school or college and went on to become very successful. This is not say education is not important however, there are different alternatives to living a productive and meaningful