ID Risk Mitigation Plan

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ID Risk Description Risk Mitigation Plan 1 There have been recent changes on the Melbourne PC’s management team. Discuss all project assumptions and revise them as necessary. Develop the project charter into a document that captures the expectations of the Stakeholders. 2 There has been some discussion of a potential PM system collaboration. The current intention of the Melbourne PC is NOT to participate in any collaborative RFP, but this position will be reassessed as the project continues. 3 There is a high degree of operational autonomy among our individual health center sites. In order to gain the full measure of benefits from the new system, business process reengineering and standards of practice will need to be developed. Make …show more content…

This project should be scoped and a plan put into place to complete a reengineering effort during the contracting phase of this project. 5 Interdepartmental decision-making and coordination is not yet tested. A major project of this nature has not been undertaken with the current senior executives, and a “give-and-take” process will be key to the success of the PM system selection. Err on the side of more frequent communication, perhaps opting for more frequent but shorter meetings. Document all rationale and reasoning behind decisions that could result in policy/procedure requirements during system implementation and operations. 6 A new Melbourne PC will open during the course of the project. The project manager will keep a complete list of planned opening and needs, along with the planned service offerings and staffing concerns. Project milestones and deliverables will need to be coordinated …show more content…

Engage Melbourne PCians in the planning process, stressing potential benefits of using the PM system features to improve patient care. Include all staff in regular updates concerning project progress. We will prepare a comprehensive training plan when the PM system is selected that accounts for new system requirements and different learning styles of staff