IOM Report Nursing

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The Institute of Medicine (IOM) is associated with the National Academies of Science and serves as a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing leadership on health care. It serves as a great source for leaders and managers to gain access to current research and publications dedicated to health care. The Institute of medicine operates outside the framework of the government to provide evidence based research and guidance for public health and science policy. “The IOM was first established in 1970, and for the past 40 years, the organization has been answering the nation’s most pressing questions about healthcare.”

There is a need for the expansion in the nurse’s role for higher levels of education and a better system of education that is …show more content…

The report also focuses on how care should be patient centered. “The changing landscape of the health care system and the changing profile of the population require that the system undergo a fundamental shift to provide patient-centered care; deliver more primary as opposed to specialty care; deliver more care in the community rather than the acute care setting; provide seamless care; enable all health professionals to practice to the full extent of their education, training, and competencies; and foster interprofessional collaboration” (IOM 2011). The affordable care act of 2010 has required the need for nurses to expand their role of practice to meet complicated patient demands. However with the increase in the number of nurses graduating with advanced degrees in nursing, the situation is changing. These well educated nurses are leading the charge to confront the complex issues that the rapidly changing health care situation …show more content…

Since nurses’ act as patient advocates, they’re input is crucial to the overall care of the patient. Nurses should be seen as partners with physicians and healthcare professionals to be able to redesign healthcare. According to the IOM, “Nurses should be full partners, with physicians and other health professionals, in redesigning health care in the United States” (IOM, 2011). The IOM reports that public, private, and governmental healthcare decision makers should ensure that leadership positions are available to and filled by nurses while the colleges and universities should prepare them. “Nurses need to be decision-makers in designing health systems and key collaborators on health care teams. Since the report’s release, nurse leadership on boards has grown and top nursing schools are offering more leadership and interdisciplinary preparation”( Nurses as Partners in Redesigning Health