Ideal Body Image In The 1950s

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The craving for the ideal body image began around the 1950s when television made its debut and has escalated ever since the growth of the Internet. The American people are constantly harassed with “media driven depictions” of what is considered to be the most desirable body image for males and females (Ballaro 1). In the 1950s pin-up idols were the means of the ideal image with icons such as Betty Grable, Rita Hayworth, Jayne Mansfield, and Sophia Loren (Ballaro 1). All of these women featured had more of an attainable body image, they were average height, natural curves, and had a healthy weight. Then moving into the 1960s when iconic model Twiggy was introduced at 5 feet 8 inches tall and 90 pounds, she started the trend of thin is ideal