Media has an impacting effect on today’s Canadian’s, creating a deceptive view that plays to others self-esteem. Therefore, leading to the question about how the government is going to vow to address these concerns. Current society is highly affected by the media, including the influence of media on children in Canada. Furthermore, children ages 2-11 spend about 30 hours a week watching television (Boyse & Bushman 2010). So basically 4.5 hours of quality television per day. Moreover, Body Image, Media and Eating Disorders states that 30% of children are dissatisfied with their body image due to being overweight and 15% are dealing with obesity (Derene & Beresin, 2006). This demonstrates that the number of children watching television and the number of overweight, obese children are involving their selves more into the media rather than more crucial events. Correspondingly, the average model is 23% thinner compared to 25 years ago (Ravelli & Webber, 2012). Today’s media has an impacting effect on how women should appeal themselves to others in society. This guides them to behave a certain way and not truly be themselves. In the outside they appear as how society wants …show more content…
Most current media is bias. The government needs to work towards making the media more progressive, which will decline the affects of harmful media. To reduce this concern, the government can limit what consists in the media due to strict policies. Everyone needs to work together to reduce the biases involved in the media. Also, according to College Men’s Third person Perceptions about Idealized Body Image and Consequent Behavior portrays that young children “who are influences by the idealized body images portrayed in the media tend to compare their bodies to the media” (Chia & Wen 2010). This proves that the media needs to be changed, which prevents children from being