Identify And Explain The Consequences Of Cyberbullying

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There are many risks that come with the internet and with mobile phones as well.

With every risk there is going to be a consequence for e.g when you post a picture

online you lose control of that picture and people may take it either the wrong way

or the could use it for leverage in cyber bullying.

Some of the risks that children have when they are using a phone, tablet or

computer are:

Cyber bullying: cyber bullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a

person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

Cyber bullying is one of the most common form of bullying as it can be done on any

form of social media platform such as snap chat, Instagram, Facebook and whats

app as on thee apps there is a lack of privacy as people can see everything you

post and people can take things that you post in the wrong way and this may start everything off. Cyber bullying can cause a lot of things to happen to a child such as they may be withdrawn, they may miss school and they may be depressed …show more content…

To control this you could have the child's social media account on your phone so that you can keep an eye in what the child is doing on the app so that you can have control and not let things get out of hand. Buying things online: children who have their own tablets, phones or computers may try to buy things online so you need to be careful when you are letting children play on their parents phone as they may start to rack up a bill by either buying things through games or online so you need to be careful when letting children playing on phones Some of the consequences of letting children play on phones are that they may buy things online, buy things they are not supposed to, not