Identify Significant Ideas And Achievements Of Key Segments Of The Protestant Reformation

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[The central focus of this learning segment is the Scientific Revolution and Age of Enlightenment. I am teaching this content because the previous learning segment was on the Protestant Reformation. Therefore, students will see how factors from the early Renaissance influenced reformed theology and sparked the Scientific Revolution which led to the Enlightenment. Students will use their prior knowledge about the Protestant Reformation to learn new concepts consistent with emerging ideologies consistent with the previous Renaissance era. The goal of this learning segment is to introduce students to significant ideas and achievements of key figures in this era. Over the course of the learning segment, students will be able to identify these key figures and analyze how their contributions to science and philosophy impacted society.]
[The standard for this learning segment requires students to identify the significant ideas and achievements of scientists and philosophes of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment. Additionally, students will analyze these figures’ astronomical theories and philosophies to determine how these ideas impacted society and contributed to the development of modern science and philosophy.
- AL.SS.COS. 6. Identify significant ideas and achievements of scientists and …show more content…

Based on Vygotski’s Zone of Proximal Development, students will be able to take what they know and the skills they possess to learn and master other skills through guidance. This can be seen on day two of the learning segment when students use their skills to complete a primary source analysis and then work on improving their potential skills of building and justifying conclusions. This activity is also backed by Vygotski’s Sociocultural theory since students will collaborate in groups to promote social interaction and individual