Identity, Stability In Brave New World, By Aldous Huxley

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On page three (the first page of chapter one) of “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley, in the first paragraph, it says “... the World State’s motto…” is “... Community, Identity, Stability.” Just those words: “... Community, Identity, Stability,” makes me think about Glenn Beck’s novel Agenda 21 and the dystopian society in that book. Community in Agenda 21 was in the form of “compounds” the people were forced to live in based on the jobs they were forced to work. The only compound I could remember was called the “Recycling Compound.” The “compounds” bring us to identity; people were forced to wear the colors of their compound. The society’s way of stability was forced labor with no pay; creating energy for “The Republic.” Children created energy