Identity Theft Safety

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Identity Theft - Six Safety measures to Take to Secure Yourself From Identity Theft.

Who are these people? How can you safeguard yourself, your significant other and your children from being an identity theft victim?
What identity theft prevention measure 's can you take to make sure that you and your families ' information is secured?
The reason for this article is to answer these questions and make you fully aware of habits that you have probably developed that you will need to change to lower your chances of being a victim.
I was truly astonished when I started to research identity theft reports. Did you know?
11.1 million Adults were victims of identity theft in 2009.
The total fraud amount was $54 Billion.
Identity theft fraud victims increased by 12% in 2009 and it is growing out of control today.
13% of identity fraud …show more content…

Beware of companies that may call and request your personal information. Sometimes you might even get an email from a company that claims to be your bank stating that they need to update your information. DO Not Fall Prey To This.
Precaution 6.
Be careful of where you leave your personal information and belonging at work, things like purses, wallets, handbags or brief case. Remember identity theft thieves are everywhere; sometimes they are your closest friend, significant other, work associate or even your family members.
If we all get identity theft protection, this terrible crime will start to become more controllable. So many of you do not believe you will ever be a victim and that is the reason why identity theft has grown to such a huge epidemic.
You don 't have to believe me just pick up the papers, search the internet and there are horror stories everywhere from credit identity theft, medical Insurance id theft, drivers license and the list goes on.
Would you want to be rushed to the hospital for a blood transfusion and because your identity was used by someone else you get the wrong blood type. This how serious this is Folks. Get