If John Will Not Die Analysis

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In this journal, I will be evaluating if John will die from the Mogadorians. First, one argument to the question is that John will not die from the Mogadorians. Beginning, John will not die from the Mogadorians because he is with Henri, and Henri is his guardian. Because Henri is Johns guardian that means he is John’s protector. By being his protector he holds Johns true legacy, and protects him from the Mogadorians. The Mogadorians are an alien species that is trying to kill John. Henri also makes sure John is not doing anything to make him stand out. This shows how Henri is John’s protector, and will protect John from being killed. Secondly, another reason John will not die is because he changed his name. Johns old name was Number Four, …show more content…

This shows how John will not die because he changed his name. Lastly, John will not die because he is starting to learn his legacies. By learning his legacies this will help John see into the future, and see events that will take place. This can mean an encounter with the Mogadorians because he saw it coming. It can also mean that John is starting to become Number Four again. This shows how John will not die because he is starting to learn his legacies. Next, another side to the argument is that John will be killed by the Mogadorians. First, one reason to why John will be killed by the Mogadorians is, the Mogadorians are after him. The Mogadorians took over Henri and Johns home planet Lorien, and they were one of the nine to escape. This means the Mogadorians will not settle until they kill all of the people that were on Lorien. This is why John has been a fugitive his whole life. This shows how John will die because the Mogadorians will not settle until John is killed. Next, another reason why John will die is because he is the next one on the Mogadorians list to kill. In order to kill the nine people who escaped from Lorien you must kill them in