If You Were Drafted Into The Vietnam War Dbq

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If you were drafted into the Vietnam war, would you have been a draft dodger? The Vietnam war was a very bloody battle that many people tried to avoid. In document B it states that “the enemy can match us, and that applies to invasion of North with the use of nuclear weapons.” As a soldier in the Vietnam war I wouldn’t dodge the war, as hard as it is I was drafted for a reason and I am committed. My commander asked me to tell the people nearby to evacuate in the next 30 minutes or we would kill them due to danger. It was such a hard decision but I had to stay loyal to my country and tell them to evacuate. When I got drafted into the war I had to sign an oath (Document A) stating that “I will defend the constitution of the U.S. and that I will be faithful to the president.” Knowing that I signed that oath, I couldn’t back out of this situation now. I love and support my country and I would never disobey my orders. If I disobeyed these orders I could get killed. It is a very tense time during the war, but I made a promise and I will stay loyal to my country. I really want my commander to trust me and my abilities that way he will try to keep me safe. …show more content…

In Document F it states “and you know that peace can only be won, when we’ve blown ‘em all to kingdom come.” This statement means we have to fight for freedom. No matter the situation I am in I will do my best to obey the rules of my general. The U.S deserves peace and freedom, I will try my best to fight for them. The other soldiers are filled with doubt because they think their lives are over, but I am coming out with a positive outlook… I could save the

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