A Letter To Re-Enlist Dbq

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I Will Re-enlist The Revolutionary War caused horrible and wounding disaster and major death, sorrow, and mourning to the soldiers and many families along with them. From 1777-1778 near Pennsylvania, the conditions at Valley Forge are worsening by the day and many are thinking they can not last another month not even another day in this misery. My nine month enlistment is almost up and all I am asking myself is whether I should re-enlist. Quitting would bring my family at ease and I wouldn’t have to worry about my family getting hurt. Being assured that my family is okay is very important to me and to know that they are safe as long as I am there. It would also mean that I cannot fight for my country or the freedom of it. Helping my country can prevent the worsening conditions of taxation and people being put in prisons for having their own beliefs. I have decided to re-enlist for …show more content…

Without many of the brave men reenlisting we do not have as many people that can help to fight the evil power taking over our country. Many of the other men may not last much longer but I can do anything if it is to defend my country in this war. General Washington has much more than an inspiration to all of us and has given us the courage to go through these miserable and terrible time. With an extra set of hands I can help in this war with medical assistance to ensure that more men may fight for America. I am fighting for my freedom, and not only for my family but for the other brave men who have given their lives to ensure that we can have the rights that have always had and that our country is safe. Many other men may not be as brave but that does not mean that they cannot fight for rights and justice among each other. I will re-enlist to make sure that we get what we need and to show honor to those that have fought bravely for