Ignorance In Toxic Relationships

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Toxic relationships seem to be plaguing everyone nowadays. However, some appear oblivious to their own situation. People who are aware seem to fall upon ignorance. The ignorance can consist of knowing that there’s more than one type of toxic relationships. One will think hitting is the only symptom of being in a toxic bond. Even so, there are numerous flags to watch out for, not just physical harm. To define a toxic relationship, means staying within a corrupt fusion which breaks you down instead of building upon what you already have. When you find yourself involved with the poisonous behaviors, seeking help from a relative, friend, or even yourself becomes impossible because the outcome could be consequently worse. In some situations, people …show more content…

Even kids who have grown up seeing and living in a household where parents fought, or other siblings were abused because of a toxic relationship, those kids are more likely to have health problems, including:suicidal thoughts, depression, increased anxiety, horrible flashbacks, and overall emotional distress. When domestic violence was brought upon a toxic relationship, the emotional process was more difficult to heal than compared to the physical assaults. Kids are prone to having a higher ranking on domestic violence because the need to speak up or the knowledge to know what actions are right and wrong are …show more content…

So what are the signs brought upon to being in a dark relationship, besides dealing with aggravating debates, straining one’s voice to prove a point, or wanting to leave but can’t. Also, "Listovative," indicates the red signs of a toxic relationship, such as being emotionally interdependent on another, a constant scare that World War 3 could erupt, one 's rights being taken away, jealously, extreme mood swings, money dependency, emotional drainage, loss of self, and the lost of love. Sure, dependency on one another is normal, but the limits and boundaries should be met. All relationships are different, that 's why there are different healthy roads to choose, but don 't drive down the road to a dead end. Toxic relationships aren’t all about fighting a few moments here and there, but rather the distress being carried on for days, months, to