Illegal Immigration In The 21st Century

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Module 1 Discussion Immigration is a concerning matter when introduced to Congress back in the 1900 and has continued to be an important topic in the 21st Century. The topic of immigration seems to be always mentioned on the news and is a debatable topic during candidates seeking the presidential election. Today, Congress is trying to create new reforms addressing the problems of illegal immigration, as well as the legal immigration system. What is interesting to know the immigration system has not been updated since back in the early 1900’s. As the New West was established, overtime drought was a significant problem sparking years and years of agricultural depression. Today, we see this happening over and over again with the water / drought shortage problem happening in states such as California, Nevada and Arizona, etc. Unfortunately, this was a normal part and a constant problem …show more content…

The demand for these Western commodities are important to growing and establishing the economy. Also, precious metals, mining and lumber help the West. These commodities are important today, in order to staying competitive and becoming an important part of the American and global economy. The federal government created new agencies, laws and amendments that were set in place to shaping and mapping the West for this economic competition. Throughout the New West, American businessmen were called business traders. They would find ways to make business connections and have global network relationships (such as Wall Street and banking institutions). As we see in the 21st Century, American culture that once was a frontier is now combined with technology, in order stay competitive in a global market. Industries, transportation, mining and engineering were important in the late 1800’s as they are in today’s

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