Examples Of Deontologism

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Deontologism is an approach which seeks to create universal rules for the morality of human action; its ideas of common humanity and fundamental human rights were very influential in the banning of torture. This point of view lies on the belief that there are some inherent rights that every person is supposed to enjoy simply based on his existence. It is based on ethics and morality. The very crux of this perspective is that every human being has some rights, and these rights cannot be compromised with in any situation – not even when the person has committed the most heinous acts possible. These rights include the right to not be inflicted any harm or suffering, either physical or mental. Thus, the deontological perspective is heavily founded on the concept of morality and human dignity. Immanuel Kant was a strong supporter of this view. Hence, the deontological perspective is also known as the Kantian perspective.
The United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment as well as The Geneva Convention, 1949’s stand against torture are examples of adoption of the Kantian principles against torture. They …show more content…

It is wrong, self-defeating and poisons the rule of law, replacing it with terror and no one is safe when governments allow its use. 155 countries have ratified the UN Convention Against Torture. Between January 2009 and May 2013, Amnesty International received reports of torture and other ill-treatment committed by state officials in 141 countries, and from every world region. It can be seen from this report that torture is being practiced everywhere in the world and instead of such cases receding, they are on the rise now. Even International Law takes the Kantian view in the case of torture and forbids using it at all costs. All the four Geneva Conventions have recognised torture as a war crime and all the states have ratified