
Impact Of Globalization In Education

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Globalization in education
Globalization is the worldwide development towards economic, educational, trade and communication integration . Education is a human right. Therefore, every person should have the opportunity for proper education, regardless of gender. UN sets a millennium goal to put every child in school. In the last 15 years, enrolment in primary school has risen by 8%, from 83% to 91% . 774 million people from the age of 15 and older cannot read and write, and two thirds are women. In this essay, I will focus on the struggle for education in the world, especially for girls.
The struggle for education in the world is not highly known in the western world. In Norway, it is mandatory for every child to have ten years of school (1st grade to 10th grade), and afterwards we can choose to go to secondary school (11th grade to 13th grade) and get a higher education. In addition, it is free.
However, in undeveloped countries or countries in conflict, there is a minimal opportunity to education. Those most vulnerable for inequality and not proper education are girls, religious, ethnic, poor, indigenous, people with disabilities and linguistic minorities. People living in countries in conflict are also vulnerable of access to education.
Scholars are forced to drop out of school because of illness, poverty, culture, and gender. These children are not only excluded from the intellectual development, but also social. Undeveloped countries do not have enough recourses to
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