Impact Of Human Life On The Walls Of Etruscan Tomb Of The Lionesses

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Marie Lucero 26 February 2018 Artist Perception 4 Compare the scenes celebrating the vitality of human life on the walls of Etruscan tombs with the scenes portrayed on the walls of the Egyptian tombs explored in Chapter 3. Etruscan paintings were colorful reliefs that displayed the features of the deceased family, wealth, religion and social status. Etruscan made their paints out of organic material like charcoal, vegetables, malachite, and iron oxides. The Etruscan Tomb of The Lionesses, Tarquinia is this scene men are drinking and laying on cushions celebrating. The Etruscan has little scenes that show death because they loved the joys of life. Sarcophagus of the Married Couple, Cerveteri is beautiful constructed of stone, terra cotta clay, and materials. It was designed to hold the ashes of the married deceased couples. The Roman religion though that death was a temporary, so the Egyptian tombs are different because the Roman believed in afterlife. The Roman painted the tombs of them celebrating their accomplishments, affiliations and lineage of the powerful person. …show more content…

Romans created the sewer and sanitation management by connecting the public bath houses and latrines all to one sewer system. The sewage was than flushed by water from the local stream sending the sewage down the side of the street and into the nearest river called Tiber. Concrete was another advancement that helped in the construction buildings and roads. Concrete was made of volcano rock that helped make the concrete sturdy. The Roman builders learned how to uses right angles and created arches. Arches were used to create a stronger and sturdier building, but also add some architectural beauty to it. The Roman used the concrete to make roads and