
Impact Of Muckrakers On Society

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WMuckrakers exposed american problems, famous muckrakers created public awareness of corruption, injustices and abuse of power. Muckrakers investigated thoroughly to find the reality behind child labor, meat packing, safety issues with workers, living condition and more. American society was causing controversy, due to this many laws were being changed and made to deal with these problems.
Many muckrakers were coming out to fight. Each muckraker exposed the bad side or corruption dealing to make a change. They made a big impact, they helped uncover the injustices in the way people were working, living, treated. “Between 1903 and 1910 muckraking magazines had exposed corruption in America government and business with great fervor and to great claim”( American newspapers in the 1910s ) .The idea of muckrakers was to exposed the bad corruption, let people be aware of the bad conditions people were being in. “The instances in which it directly contributed to be the breakup of a monopolistic trust or the reform of a corrupt municipal government are depressingly few”( Muckraking ). Muckrakers decreased the corruption in the progressive era. …show more content…

This problem led to new food safety laws. “Upton Sinclair fought against social injustices in the United States. Through his work the The Jungle, Upton exposed the corrupt, unclean practices of the meat-packing industry”( Upton sinclair ). Upton Sinclair exposed the unsanitary process of meat packing. Upton described the meat as diseased , rotten and contaminated meat. This became a tremendous caos. “ The most immediate effect of The Jungle (Upton Sinclair) was that it expedited the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906” ( Sinclair publishes The Jungle, 1906 ). After the book The Jungle ( Upton Sinclair) released president Roosevelt made some actions to deal these problems. The Pure Food and Drug Act was being held in

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