Impact Of Urbanization In The 1920s

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Before the world war, America was still rooted in the ways of the nineteenth century. You will find that dramatic economic developments took place during the 1920’s, moving America towards a more modern society. With the movement towards vehicles, flexibility and accessibility was created and towns and suburbs were growing in size as they were no longer based around railway systems. This paved the way towards the birth of new industries such as petrol stations and hotels, contributing drastically towards urbanization. By 1920, 50% of the population was now living in urban areas, whereas before it was only 5%. Henry Ford also developed his model T Ford during this time and sold 15 million by 1927. More and more “white collar jobs” such as law enforcement and business became popular during these times and steered them away from physical labour such as mining and farming, as America was now progressing towards an urban culture. Less manual labourers were needed during this time because the use of machinery flourished. Productivity did increase as a result and with this a lively consumer culture was created, with advertising becoming a crucial factor in promoting new products and developing the economy. Radios became extremely popular and people often gathered to listen to important news, sports events, concerts etc. Films were introduced in the 1920’s and became a popular past-time, alongside baseball and beach-going. Jazz music developed rapidly and successfully during this