
Impactful Leader In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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The Qualities of an Impactful Leader
An acclaimed American leadership author by the name of John C. Maxwell once said, “You don’t become an effective leader by default.” Working towards becoming a successful leader is important because in today’s world effectively leading a group of people ultimately impacts the present for a brighter future. Many leaders whether it be parents, friends, or even political officials in some way influence and impact the future. Impactful leaders have many qualities that shape who they are as a leader, such as in William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies leadership qualities can contribute to survival, as well as in modern-day the importance of leadership qualities contribute to making the best decisions in critical situations.
An effective leader determines the best decision possible for a group of people. A determined, confident, and intellectual person can lead a group of people to success; however, most leaders are put into positions based on physical appearance. A leader to some may be the tallest, most attractive, muscular person …show more content…

Ralph is an effective leader by planning to be rescued and doesn’t want to lead the group of boys into savagery. Ralph is young and naïve, but he has the determination of a leader chosen in a time of extreme circumstance he even states, “Seems to me we ought to have a chief to decide things” (12). Jack the self-appointed leader likes to argue that the only reason Ralph was chosen as the leader is that he blew the conch; however, Jack just wants the title of the leader, to become a dictator. Ralph, unlike Jack, understands that being on the island is much more than gaining a fortune and having fun hunting. Although in the beginning, Ralph was easy to persuade into changing the rules, he eventually holds to the goal of being rescued and is determined to not let his leadership slip

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