
Sustainable Tourism Definition Essay

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1. Sustainable tourism: Sustainable tourism can be seen as having regard to ecological and socio-cultural carrying capacities and includes involving the community of the destination in tourism development planning. It also involves integrating tourism to match current economic and growth policies so as to mitigate some of the negative economic and social impacts of 'mass tourism '.
2. Eco-tourism: Ecotourism, also known as ecological tourism, is responsible travel to fragile, pristine, and usually protected areas that strives to be low-impact and often small-scale. It helps educate the traveler; provides funds for conservation; directly benefits the economic development and political empowerment of local communities; and fosters respect for …show more content…

Medical tourism: When there is a significant price difference between countries for a given medical procedure, particularly in Southeast Asia, India, Eastern Europe and where there are different regulatory regimes, in relation to particular medical procedures (e.g. dentistry), traveling to take advantage of the price or regulatory differences is often referred to as "medical tourism".
5. Educational tourism: Educational tourism is developed because of the growing popularity of teaching and learning of knowledge and the enhancing of technical competency outside of classroom environment. Educational tourism describes the event in which people travel across international borders to acquire intellectual services.
6. Creative tourism: Creative tourism has existed as a form of cultural tourism, since the early beginnings of tourism itself. Its European roots date back to the time of the Grand Tour, which saw the sons of aristocratic families traveling for the purpose of mostly interactive, educational experiences. They have defined "creative tourism" as tourism related to the active participation of travelers in the culture of the host community, through interactive workshops and informal learning …show more content…

Business/convention tourism : Business tourism or business travel is a more limited and focused subset of regular tourism. During business tourism (traveling), individuals are still working and being paid, but are doing so away from both their workplace and home. Primary business tourism activities include meetings, and attending conferences and exhibitions. Despite the term business in business tourism, when individuals from government or non-profit organizations engage in similar activities, this is still categorized as business tourism (travel).
According to the ministry of tourism "tourism plays an important role in employment generation and economic growth of the country. It is accepted as the potential engine for inclusive social economic progress at universal level through its forward and backward linkages and ability to create employment in the economy"
Tourism is a service industry which has many tangible and intangible elements. Most of tangible elements include transportation, accomodation, amenities and other components of hospitality industry. For tangible elements its related to the purpose of travel : relaxation, plesure, culture, experience, adventure and other

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