Imperialism In Rwanda Genocide Essay

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In genocide, colonization is one of the main causes that creates the difference in ethnic groups or racial groups that have a conflict with one another. Colonization often creates a wide barrier between the majority and the minority by the mother country favoring one over the other. They recreate the history of these countries to fit the colony mold of nationalism that they want the colony to follow. By dividing the people the colony develops a gap between the differences of the majority and minority ethnic groups and they become more aware of these differences. This makes both sides fearful and jealous of one another and creates hatred and racism between the two. Rwanda is a perfect example of how colonization effects the hierarchical …show more content…

Making these distinctions is what lead to the distinction of class (hierarchy) that lead to the racism and hatred between the Hutu and Tutsi. They also brought the Hamitic Hypothesis with them stating that Tutsi were superior because they brought civilization to Rwanda from the North were they originated from. Classifying whether or not citizens were Tutsi from birth created a huge gap in ethnic division. By giving Tutsi superiority over jobs and other things this fueled the Hutu’s hatred for the Tutsi. Colonization gave them this superiority because they thought it was theirs by nature, But when you give one ethnic group this superiority and not the other it causes jealousy, it causes fear that, that ethnic group will dominate the country and the other ethnic groups will have to submit to their authority. This fear fuels the idea of a pure race because the fearful group gets it in their head that the only way to keep from having to submit to another ethnic groups rule is to kill them off and make themselves the majority. This fear would not exists if Rwanda was not colonized by Germany and