
Importance Of Balanced Diet Essay

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What is a balanced diet?

A balanced diet is important to maintain health and a sensible body weight. No single food will provide all the essential nutrients that the body needs to be healthy and function efficiently. The nutritional value of a person’s diet depends on the overall mixture, or balance, of food that is eaten over a period of time, as well as on the needs of the individual. A diet that includes a variety of different foods is most likely to provide all the essential nutrients.

What are the essential nutrients?

We need energy for our bodies to function properly but the balance between carbohydrate, protein and fat must be right for us to remain healthy. Too much fat can lead to excess weight, obesity and serious health conditions such as heart disease and cancer. Too little protein can lead to problems with growth and repair in the body. Eating sugary foods or drinks too often without appropriate dental hygiene can result in poor dental health. …show more content…

A variety of different foods, and in particular plenty of fruits and vegetables, will help to ensure that we get the right mix. Research has shown that there are other naturally occurring substances in foods, especially plant foods such as fruits and vegetables, that are also beneficial to health.

How can I check if my diet is balanced?

All foods can be part of a healthy diet – you won’t have to give up your favourite food. What’s important is achieving the right balance and the right variety of foods. The Eatwell plate is a food guide produced by the Food Standards Agency to help people to understand and enjoy healthy eating. In addition, the government has issued eight tips for good health:

Base your meals on starchy foods
Eat lots of fruit and vegetables
Eat more

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