Importance Of Bhakti Movement

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The Bhakti Movement and the Economy
Bhakti, i.e. devotion to God is inherent in the growth of every religion, though we may call it by different names, like Sufis in Islam calls it ‘Tassawuf’’. ‘Bhakti’ or devotion as a means of salvation had assumed special significance in the medieval period of the Indian History. It had brought many changes in the socio-religious life of the Indian people and so it is termed as ‘Bhakti Movement’. The Bhakti movement influenced almost the whole country at different times, and had a definite impact not only on religious doctrines, rituals,values and popular beliefs,but on arts and culture as well. The genesis of the bhakti movement goes back between the 6th and the 10th centuries in South India rather than in North India. It was Ramanand who was credited to bring the bhakti element to the North India from the South India. During the 12th and the 15th century A.D, the social systems in India were torn by all out degradation and corrupt practices prevailed right from the ruling class to the priestly class. Under such circumstances, Hindu religion was dominated by the brahmanical class committed various malpractices in the name of religion and such situation prepared the background to evolve a simpler and liberal faith acceptable to all irrespective of religion, caste and creed. Assam also faced such scenario during the 14th and the 15th century A.D, with the political turmoil with the different principalities fighting to sway over the entire