How Did Martin Luther King Affect The Civil Rights Movement

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During the late 1950’s and through the early 1970’s the Civil Rights Movement was coming into effect. There were many controversial events going on during this time period. Martin Luther King Jr had a great perspective on civil rights, while Malcolm X did also. These two men are known as some of the greatest men in history known for their speeches and what they took part in during the Civil Rights Movement. While Martin Luther King Jr was known for a nonviolence and taking care of situations a different way, and Malcolm X took care of things physically. King and Malcolm were two great men who impacted america greatly during the civil rights movement through many ways. While both men followed their faith and beliefs, this also affected their process of decision making. Martin Luther King Jr took in perspective that violence was never the answer. He solved things differently unlike Malcolm X. King is mainly known for the “I have a dream” speech, which all kids throughout the united states today still learn about and should learn about. August 28, 1963 was a day of memories with over 20,000 people gathered at Lincoln's memorial. On this day in history King was known for one of the memorable …show more content…

These two men are known as some of the greatest men in history known for their speeches and what they took part in during the Civil Rights Movement. While Martin Luther King Jr was known for a nonviolence and taking care of situations a different way, and Malcolm X took care of things physically. King and Malcolm were two great men who impacted america greatly during the civil rights movement through many ways. While both men followed their faith and beliefs, this also affected their process of decision making. They both had a great affect on America in the 1960’s with completely different point of views, but very good speeches that will always be remembered throughout