Importance Of Child Rights In Islam

1609 Words7 Pages
Abstract: In this article, Al-Azhar University explains the care, development and protection of the children in Islam. Al-Azhar University states the Islam affirms such as a child’s right to health and life. A child’s right to a family, kindred, name, property and inheritance. A child’s right to healthcare and proper nutrition. A child’s right to education and the acquisition of talents. A child’s right to live in security and peace, and enjoy human dignity and protection under the responsibility of the parents. Furthermore, the caring role of society and the state to provision all these rights and provision families unable of providing suitable surroundings for their children.
Keywords: Islam, children, protection, healthy, parents

Islam is a religion exposed by God for all people, in all places, at all times. As such, Islam is open to everybody and is mostly mindful of the importance of respect, rights, and responsibilities. These unique rights specified in Islam also cover the rights of children. Children’s rights are not certain by the actions of their parents, their communities, or even their governments. God Himself guarantees children’s rights. Loving for and raising children in the appropriate manner is an obligation on parents and it is not always easy. In fact, God retells us in the Quran that children may even be a great trial for their parents. The achievements and tribulations of life are a test and children are no exception.