Child Protection Case Study

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Models of child protection

Two broad approaches have emerged in the context of child protection they are; vertical and horizontal approach. Vertical approach is understood as one that observes classes of vulnerable children independently from each other and it has been criticised by Wulczyn et al (2010) because it often results in a fragmented child protection response that is marked by numerous inefficiencies. For example, strategies that target sexually abused children can focus on addressing the immediate safety needs of these children forgetting other children who might be vulnerable though not through sexual abuse.
Wulczyn et al (2001) guided by Convention on the Rights of the Child (2010), argue that Horizontal approach to OVCs seem to be more essential in helping vulnerable children across all vulnerabilities they might find themselves in. The approach do not treat children vulnerabilities as independent from each other or rather single issues but it observes all different systems that are causing children to be vulnerable without …show more content…

Further the project should be able to protect the beneficiaries and seek for permission before involving them in the project because they have the right to decide whether to participate not. Due to the sensitivity of the beneficiaries of the Buffelshoek Trust, the research will assess if the program implementers are operating in a professional manner, is it sensitive to local beliefs on migrant children, is gender equality being taken into consideration and are stakeholders and beneficiaries adequately informed about the program activities. And is data collected during the project confidential and is the identity of the beneficiaries being