
Code Of Ethics For Deaf Interpreters

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A code of ethics is a collection of principles and practices that a business believes in and aims to live by. A code of business ethics usually doesn't stand alone, it works in conjunction with a company's mission statement and more specific policies about conduct to give employees, partners, vendors, and outsiders an idea of what the company stands for and how it's members should conduct themselves.
In writing organisational ethical code, the following has to be considered:

Professional Accountability
Interpreters accept responsibility for all professional decisions made and actions taken.
(a) Confidentiality

• Employees of the organisation will respect the privacy of consumers and hold in confidence all information obtained in the course …show more content…

It will be important to recognize the need for a Deaf interpreter and will ensure their inclusion as a part of the professional interpreting team.

Integrity in Professional Relationships
(i) Professional Relationships
• Employees should understand the difference between professional and social interactions. They need to establish and maintain appropriate boundaries between themselves and consumers, employees has to assume responsibility to ensure relationships with all parties involved kept reasonable, fair and professional.
(ii) Impartiality
• Employees should remain neutral, impartial, and objective, and should refrain from altering a message for political, religious, moral, or philosophical reasons, or any other biased or subjective consideration.

• Should an employee not be able to put aside personal biases or reactions which threaten impartiality, the employees will examine options available to them, this may include not accepting the work or withdrawing their services from the assignment or …show more content…

Business values typically are expressed in terms of how the organisation performs its day-to-day interactions with suppliers, employees and customers. A primary objective of the code of ethics is to define what the organisation is about and make it clear that the organisation is based on honesty and fairness. Another commonly defined value is respect in all interactions, regardless of the circumstances.

• Principles are used to further support the business values by including operational credos employees should follow. Customer satisfaction, business profitability and continuous improvement are key factors in documenting business principles. Corporate responsibility to the environmentally friendly use of natural resources is another business principle that often is found in code of ethics.

Management Support
• Manager support of the values and principles may be documented in the code of ethics. Open door policies for reporting ethics violations can be included in the code, along with a process to anonymously report any code of ethics issues. To reflect how seriously management considers the code, some businesses display the code of ethics with management signatures in prominent areas, such as the break room, where employees will see it on a daily

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