Analysis: Flipboard: Creativity, Change And Innovation

2694 Words11 Pages

University of Essex
Faculty of Law & Management
Essex Business School

Creativity, Change and Innovation: Flipboard

AM4001 Business Management for Creative Enterprises

Tricia Tang

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

BA (Honors) Creative Industries Management
Module AM 4001 Business Management for Creative Enterprises

The University of Essex
Facutlty of Law and Management
Winvenhoe Park

Table of Content
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Flipboard: Your Social Magazine
1.2 Innovation In An Organisation
Chapter 2: Driving Growth Through Innovation 2.1 Product Creativity and Innovation 2.2 Managerial Innovation
Chapter 3: From Small Ideas to Big Changes 3.1 …show more content…

This paper aims to analyse and study how did Flipboard develop such a powerful application through product creativity and innovation, together with a few changes in strategies.

In the first chapter, an introduction of Flipboard and innovation in an organisation will be discussed to explain what Flipboard is and to form an idea on the candidate’s definition of innovation.

In the second chapter, different forms of innovation will be introduced in the paper to define the different types of probable innovation. Flipboard is identified to have adopted the product innovation and managerial innovation approach in the organisation.

Moving onto the third chapter where the candidate shows Flipboard’s capability to beat its competitors and to sustain in this ever-changing society through the development of an idea and product.

The fourth chapter argues that print media is only changing but not dying. With the collaboration of digital media and traditional print media, both platforms for magazines can provide consumers with a different experience that is both enjoyable. Chapter four will also bring in some examples of Flipboard’s change in strategies, going beyond the …show more content…

Even if it is a digitalized magazine, what makes a magazine is a combination of advertisements and curated contents.

To continue being an innovative company, Flipboard has got to continue providing the consumers with something that will set itself apart from its competitors. With the rising number of e-magazines and online sites for viewing of media content and articles, Flipboard’s product innovation will no longer help them grow so fast.

Flipboard seemingly expected this change to happen and are aiming to improve its user experience. Not only would it link all media content onto one platform and allow users to curate and customize the content that they want to see, they are introducing ads onto Flipboard.

The trick lies in the way they fit the ads into Flipboard that will not interrupt the viewing of the content yet giving enough attention to the ads. Flipboard’s first take on this issue was to include a page for ads while users are flipping through the suggested content. The ads are placed just like the other media content, making it a part of the viewing experience. 6.