Importance Of Equal Opportunity In The Military

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Why is it a problem in the United States Military and should be the highest priority in that everyone no matter what place of work should receive equal rewards and punishment for acts of good service or wrong doings. It promotes that all people should be able to participate and benefit from a job or any activities on which they are qualified for embracing the equal Opportune is consistent with the Army Values (LDRSHIP) loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage and should always be thought about when giving punishment or rewards. Many forms can be used as equal opportunity to attack other people and not many people understand the difference between equal opportunity and just being picked on. There should never …show more content…

The meaning of equal opportunity is debated in fields such as political philosophy, sociology and psychology. It is being applied to increasingly wider areas beyond employment including lending housing, college admissions, voting rights, and elsewhere. In the classical sense, equality of opportunity is closely aligned with the concept of equality before the law and ideas of meritocracy. Ref ( it makes me think of the martin Luther jr. speech I have an dream which is for the world to hear not only to get his people out of slavery but to inspire other acts of events. Fair treatment for all and it is even stated in the creed I will be fair when recommending rewards and punishments. I think you're referring to everyone having equal opportunities. If so, discrimination decreases when equality is achieved. For instance, if we all have equal rights we are seen equal before the law. Equal chances of education, equal opportunities at work or similar. Without it people could just pick and choose what each person was allowed to do and what they weren't allowed to do .It protects our needs and