Importance Of Ethics In The 21st Century

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Ethics is one of the most important things every individual should cultivate. (Griffin, 2007, p.43) Defines ethics as ‘ethics is an individual’s personal belief about weather a behaviour, action, or decision is right or wrong’. What is right and wrong can differ from person to person depending on their perspectives towards life and work. But an article also suggests that ethics is about values too. Values are defined as (Switzer, 2009) ‘traits, behaviour’s or qualities to which we ascribe some worth or importance’. Ethics in the 21st century However living in the 21st century we witness how ethics has made a drastic influence on most employees no matter which organisation they are being employed at. LRN Ethics Study Reveals “94% – say it is "critical" or "important" that the company in which they are employed at should abide by ethical principles and morals (LRN Ethics Study, 2006). Ethics in the present era has become an essential to almost every organisation. Late Mr Rushworth M. Kidder was the president in his famous school of ethics and he states that ‘ethics in the 21st century, is about survival’ (Kidder, 2001). Successful organisations will always prioritize its “Ethics” as the most important factor and will give it most attention. Ethical values should be given recognition among the organisation. “Ethics need to become an organizational priority” (Brimmer , 2007). Ethical workplace cultures are initially built from the time the organisation is started. Proper