Importance Of Handwashing

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With a vow to do no harm, medical professionals are continually revising methods to help decrease potential harm that can be done to the patient 's that they serve. Through evidence-based research, they have inherited data that have helped them reform, change to techniques that have already been proven effective in maintaining patient health. They have gained the advantage to educate staff members that are unaware of those techniques, or need to improve their skills. IV insertion is a skill highly used in the outpatient and inpatient care setting to provide fluids and pharmacological therapy to certain patient populations. This procedure also serves as a great opportunity to presenting infection causing organisms that can be detrimental to patient’s health. Thus requiring and obtaining the attention of many professionals within the medical system to evaluate and research evidence-based factors that can help in decreasing the chances of contaminating patients.
At the start of any medical related class, handwashing is a skill taught as a standard precaution measure to protect the patients and the medical personnel’s involved. During the course of the IV insertion and maintenance stands …show more content…

Although the evidence is there, these professionals must continue to review literatures published illustrating the revision of those factors. To become a more active member in the evidence-based research of handwashing, they can monitor data within their organizations to ensure that their practice remains effective. It predominantly remains key that safe practices and proficient comfort of the skill through the many acronyms published suggesting handwashing as a key factor in IV insertion and care management be presented to the staff though through staff education. In great harmony to continue protecting patient 's

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