Importance Of Human Resource Planning

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Human resource planning, or generally known as workforce planning or even manpower planning is a part of the human resource management. Whereby, all the business responsibility aspect, of the human resource management such as the recruitment, selection, training and wage bargaining is all encloses within the workforce planning. In general, it is a strategic method that predicts the future and current demand of labor in the organization. This paper will attempt to account how human resource planning is integral to the organization and its link between the strategic human resources with human resource management.

According to Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPD), workforce planning is the strategic process of the human resource management which is influenced by the organizational goals and proceed in finding the correct human resource with the correct skill are in the correct place at the correct time to deliver the organization objectives. Furthermore, Milkovich and Boudreau (1993) stated that workforce planning is the process of gathering and using all the information it has to discuss the amount of human resources it needs to reach the organizational goals. Besides, workforce planning also accommodates in achieving the organizational goals by development presage, setting the targets and realizing arrangements leading to current and future ascertain of business tasks with adequate manpower (Koubek, 2007). Based from all the definition, it can be conclude that