Importance Of Infrastructure In Tourism

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Tourism is to a great extent dependent on the range and type of infrastructure available at the destination. Infrastructure is a core area of the tourism industry and plays a distinctive role in the development of this ever-expanding industry. Several countries have recognised the significance of Infrastructure in relation to tourism industry and their governments have coordinated their activities with the tourism industry by providing tourism specific infrastructural facilities.
Infrastructure is the key to develop a successful tourism destination. Tourism industry stimulates investments in new infrastructure, most of which improves the living conditions of local residents as well as tourists. Tourism development projects can include airports, …show more content…

The structuring and delivery of modern infrastructure facilities is extremely complex. According to Grzinic and Saftic (2012) there are 7 actions which can ensure adequate tourist and related infrastructure: 1) ensure accessibility to and within the destination, 2) improve the communal infrastructure, 3) develop new accommodation capacities, 4) advance the service quality of the provided services, 5) develop the necessary infrastructure, 6) upgrade the existing accommodation capacities, and 7) focus in destination safety and cleanliness. The infrastructure is contributing positively to tourist arrivals hence the sufficient and proper development of tourism specific infrastructure is essential to develop a mature tourist …show more content…

Tourism has been considered as one of the few viable economic opportunities in large part of the developed countries (Michael Grosspietsch, 2005). It is not only the developed countries but also the developing countries have been identified tourism as a significant contribution or a major source of income. Tourism is however, not a single, tangible product. It comprises a range of tangible and non-tangible products. Tourism is multi-dimensional functions interrelated with all aspects of tourists and destination, activities occurred from either direct or indirect interaction of them.
The concept of tourism has been defined in many ways and there is no agreement on the definition of tourism (Amelung, et al., I999). According to United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), tourism is defined as “an activity of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business or other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited”(UNWTO,