Value Of Job Evaluation

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Albert Einstein once said, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value”. Value, refers to the importance, usefulness, or the relative worth in terms of money of an object or a service. Thus, Albert Einstein, is emphasising the need to provide value to be able to differentiate one’s self with others. In human resources management, the value of an employee can be differentiated in terms of the employee 's job and the employee’s performance in relation to his or her job. Assessing the value of the job, is called job evaluation while assessing the employee’s performance on the job, is called performance appraisal. This paper will focus on job evaluation, its common policies and practices.

Job evaluation is defined as a systematic process …show more content…

Its impact must be recognised for the employees and the organisation. Thus, before proceeding the with the process, the organisation must assess the level of risks in the organisation as well as, seek expert advice in developing the evaluation process. Once the organisation decides to proceed with the process of job evaluation, it must outline the policy to ensure its goal will be achieved. The job evaluation policy outlines the objectives, the roles and responsibilities in implementing the policy, the procedures involve the evaluation process and the process for appeal. Creating an effective job evaluation policy and practices enable the organisation to act and decide objectively with regards to compensation.

The objectives of evaluation define the overall goal of the organisation in administering job evaluation. For instance, the purpose might be to establish the grade level for a particular job or to prevent inequities. Next, the roles and responsibilities outline the expectations for each of the actors or groups involve in the job evaluation. The sample below shows the outline of the roles and responsibilities of the Job evaluation committee for HR Council …show more content…

Before conducting job evaluation, it is important to create a detailed job evaluation policy which outlines the objectives, the roles and responsibilities in implementing the policy, the procedures involve the evaluation process and the process for appeal. Moreover, to ensure effectiveness of the job evaluation, organisations should also look at the prevalent practices in conducting job evaluation. As discussed, organisations today usually have compensation philosophy and they based the worth of the jobs on the market pricing to ensure competitiveness in the labor market. Indeed, no process has yet been created to replace the process of job evaluation in organisations and until then, job evaluation will remain as a tool that champions both the interest of the companies and its employees in ensuring fairness in the

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