The Importance Of Lenten Season

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Lenten Season is the season where people commemorate the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ. During Lenten season, people usually do three traditional things: praying, fasting, and alms-giving Also, during this season, two significant virtues are observed. Mercy and compassion can be attained through three simple steps. First, rest with God. During this step, people keep themselves from doing their errands and routines. This step is usually observed during the Lord’s Day because people go to Church and have a time for God. Just like what the word “rest” literally means, we forget all the demands of our work and have much time with our own families and have a peaceful period in ourselves. Second, renew one’s self. Renewing doesn’t mean loving ourselves more. It is not …show more content…

Even if there are a lot of practices and things that can be done to observe lent, it is still important to know its real essence and importance in our lives and faith as Catholics. Evangelii Gaudium states that, “To be an ambassador for Christ means above all to invite everyone to a renewed personal encounter with the Lord Jesus.” This means and suggests that in the midst of all our struggles and hardships in life, we must let ourselves to be renewed by God and others and to renew others too. We must observe Lenten season in a way not too extravagant, but a simple yet a meaningful one. We must know how to observe humility and true forgiveness. We must know how to be ready and aware of our next encounter with Jesus Christ. Lenten Season is not only a season for doing practices showing Christ’s sufferings such as being nailed in the Cross, but also a season of renewal. Lenten season is a season that lets us observe changes in our lives as Catholics and also being a change to other people. Above all the explanations provided to give a concrete idea of Lenten season, the latter still centres to our Lord and for all the sacrifices that He have done to save us