The Importance Of Service In The Catholic Church

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As Roman Catholics, it is our religious duty to serve others whether those people are a part of our religious community or whether they are from any other type of community. Service is an important aspect of life for not only Catholics but also every single person in the world. By performing various acts of service in our communities, a person’s life can be greatly improved just through a simple act of kindness and love from the person’s heart. Not only can an act of service be beneficial to the person or organization that the volunteer is performing the service for, but it can also be beneficial to the person who is partaking in this act of service for another human being. No matter your age, your background, or your religious affiliation, service is a crucial part of our everyday lives and everyone should get involved in this and do a service out of the good of their hearts. Throughout my three years of being in St. Thomas Aquinas High School, I have participated in a few different acts of service. For every year in my high school career, I did service at my old elementary and middle school, All Saints Catholic School. During Presidents’ Day weekend, I provided help at their Church’s carnival for four days--Thursday to Sunday. All Saints Catholic School’s mission statement states “The Mission of All Saints Catholic School is to provide an atmosphere rich in the Catholic faith where each child is challenged to grow in a safe environment. Through word and example the