Liberal Education Essay

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What is the place of Liberal Education in the contemporary global development needs? How does it harmonize with the education for the labour market?

Liberal education in the 21st century is learning that uses the approach of empowering individuals so that they can be able to deal with complexity, diversity and change. It gives students a much broader knowledge of the wider world and at the same time and as well get an in-depth, focused study in an area of interest. Liberal education is focused mainly on the humanities, the social sciences and the fine arts. Liberal education is as old as the ancient Greece era, and after that it has been embraced all over the world ever since. Universities which offer liberal education are doing a good thing …show more content…

Students who go through liberal education end up developing themselves in several ways Robert Harris(1991) author of the book “On the Purpose of a Liberal Arts Education”, some of them include learning how to think because the brain is just like any other muscle in the body repetitiveness will cease it’s development but making it think in different concepts and principles, it makes the brain a more useful tool for critical thinking and analysis. This intern enables one to learn and adapt quickly to change which