My Military Experience

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With the end of highschool and the start of life in the real world looming before me, I am forced to stop and wonder and ponder things such as, am I ready for this, and what the heck am I going to do now and finally where did all that time go. At first when I was looking at life after college I was kind of caught between the choices of either going to college or joining the Armed forces, but, after I sit and ponder for a little while I realize that hey I shouldn’t stress so hard for I could do both first joining the United States Air Force Special Operations and then through the military apply for college which they would pay for. So after I settled that migraine I continued the process and so I could ease my gray hairs I’ve already started on my application process.
After applying and hopefully qualifying I plan to enter into the Pararescue unit, one of the most physically and mentally demanding jobs. This is due to the fact the that this job is like the 911 of the deployed and active duty military. This unit is sent into the field to locate and retrieve lost, stranded, and trapped, …show more content…

Through this course I’ve learned skills of how to lead and work as a unit with others. Also through moving through the ranks and this past year being the Alpha Company commander with the rank of Cadet Captain I learned how to take responsibility of the actions and deeds of my unit and myself. It also helped me to see that being on the top of the food chain with many below you at your command isn’t all fun and games it entails things like knowing if your company’s data is all squared away and if everyone is up to date, if they all have uniforms and if not when will they get them, and if they have them are they wearing them correctly, who's going to promotion board are they ready is their uniform squared away and things like