Importance Of Listening

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2.1 Theoretical Review
In this chapter the researcher concerns with theoretical review of some related theories that focus on the topic which are discussed in this study, which constructed and hoped to give practical significances and empirical evidences. There are some areas, which are described and discussed in this chapter as follows: (1) Conception of listening, (2) Importance of listening comprehension (3) Assessment of Listening (4) Dialogues based Multiple Choice Comprehension Test.

2.1.1 Conception of Listening
Listening is one of the four languages that should be learned and mastered in language learning. Listening is a complex one, because if the listeners miss just only one word it would change their perception. There are two kinds of listening, extensive listening and intensive listening. Both kinds of listening are especially important since it provides the perfect opportunity to hear voices other than the teacher’s, enables students to acquire good speaking habits as a result if the spoken English they absorb, and help to improve their own pronunciation.
Harmer (2001:243) states that extensive listening is kinds of listening that usually take place outside the classroom and Intensive listening is kinds of listening that usually take indoor of the classroom, for example listening to tape, “live” listening (storytelling, reading a load, interview, etc.) and roles of the teacher. Intensive listening is often used by