Importance Of Muslim Wedding Ceremony

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Muslim wedding ceremony Having beautiful white dressing and all these red and blue flowers around the chair and table will make people more beautiful. Different kind of lights in the people face was with smell in the face made wedding ceremony more enjoyable. Here i came in muslim wedding ceremony with lots of guest and relatives that were invited in the wedding. I was just joined the wedding ceremony when i just walked in there they were recept me from the flowers and welcoming me as well. I was little nervous because they were stranger for me but later on i will use to it and motivated myself to get as much information as i can. At first i meet the most important people there and ask about the muslim wedding list because it will make my essay really good this is what i told him. He was ready to help me as i go through i gather as much information as i could. Then i went in different places to know how they cook or will have party or what is the importance of marriage. After that was in the wedding place and stay there for a while and saw that they are saying the practices, Maher, Nikah and Vows and blessings. Why muslim people are doing this? While because muslim people are following the traditional islamic wedding rituals. Practices is the one rules that all muslim people will follow during the wedding ceremony because it was from the generation to generation until