
Qualitative Psychology

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In this study, I am using qualitative research as Deil-Amen (2011) believes qualitative research is necessary to reveal students’ social-psychological perspectives that inform their decisions and behaviours, and inform participant about the aim of study (Deil‐Amen, 2011).
Qualitative research methodology also found out to be necessary to the work that relied on interviews across their freshman year to discover how students negotiated the borders and barriers between the worlds of high school, peer group, university, family, and workplace, utilizing their own abilities, cultural models, and institutional support (Beach, Lundell, & Jung, 2002).
When comparing quantitative and qualitative approaches, Creswell defines a qualitative study as “an …show more content…

Often this is a small group of no more than ten. The primary form of data collection for phenomenology is a lengthy person-to-person interview, which may require follow-ups.
Semi-structured interviews is used in the interview, in which the interviewer sets up a general structure by deciding in advance the ground to be covered and the main questions to be asked. The detailed structure is left to be worked out during the interview, and the person being interviewed has a fair degree of freedom in what to talk about, how much to say, and how to express it. Semi-structured interviewing is a very flexible technique for small-scale research, but is not suitable for studies involving large numbers of people, but is the most useful in mini-studies and case studies (Drever, 1995).
The 5 participants in this research are all from girl schools, four of them have freshly graduated from higher education institutions, and one of them is in her final year studies in …show more content…

In addition, triangulation methods are used in qualitative research, triangulation is typically a method for improving the validity research or evaluation of findings. In order to improve the analysis and understanding of construction of others, triangulation is a step taken by researchers to involve several investigators or peer researchers’ interpretation of the data at different time or location. In a related way, a qualitative researcher can “use investigator triangulation and consider the ideas and explanations generated by additional researchers studying the research participants” (Burke, 1997).
Triangulation may include multiple methods of data collection and data analysis, but does not suggest a fix method for all the researches. The methods chosen in triangulation to test the validity and reliability of a study depend on the criterion of the research, I have chosen 5 participants to interview, document analysis and video recording to maintain the validity of my findings.

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